Saturday, June 4, 2011


A person's self-identity is a very important idea that helps allow differences between each and every people, because an identity is unique and ever changing.  An Identity changes from person to person; it is created and changed through the actions performed by the individual. When building one's identity multiple challenges can arise that inhibits one's ability to form and create their identity, these challenges include; not fitting in with the normal or accepted lifestyle, dealing with peer pressure, and finding the best group of people to associate with.  Overcoming these challenges is what helps define a person's self-identity.
Trying to fit in and be a part of the normal way of life can be a very daunting challenge for some people, the traditions or traits that a person has can restrict the ability to fit in with society. In Gloria Anzaldua's story "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" she talks about how her primary language of Spanish alienated her from the predominate language of English in the area that she lived in. "If you want to be American, speak American. If you don't like it, go back to Mexico where you belong" (Anzaldua 78) This quote shows how Gloria was the outcast in the group when it came to her language, instead of just learning English to fit in and not stand out and be vulnerable, Gloria embraced both languages and in the end she began to learn that you don't have to conform in order to fit in "I am my language" (Anzaldua 82). Gloria decided to be her own person and have a unique self-identity different than every body else.
Peer pressure is a powerful subject; dealing with peer pressure can greatly strengthen or hurt one's self-identity. In Lucy Grealy's story "Masks" she tells her story of growing up with the effects of cancer and how they impacted her social life. Her cancer had physical effects on her that unfortunately made it so other children would make fun of her for it "Hey, girl, take off that monster mask-oops, she's not wearing a mask" (Grealy 66). When Halloween came around she was able to experience a moment in her life where she could hide from her troubles and life a normal life for once "I felt wonderful...No one could see me clearly. No one could see my face" (Grealy 67).  At first she loved this feeling of freedom but then she realized that it was a fake freedom that she was enjoying and she learned that she had to accept her condition be because it was what helped define her self-identity. By hiding from what she was being made fun of made her live a life that was not hers, thus her self-identity was not real to her, by accepting herself as a whole she could build her own unique identity.
Cliques are a big part of today's education system, many kids try to side themselves with a clique that the will best fit with or what is generally the 'right' clique to be in. In Emily White's story "High School's Secret Life" she talks about the clique systems that are apparent in today's high school systems. A person tries to find a clique that best fits with their personal beliefs and identity, the members of a clique share many similarities.  "The cafeteria is high school's proving ground...its the place where you find out if you have friends or if you don't" (White 15) This quote shows how trying to find what group to associate one's self with is a tough task, being able to identify with a group or not will help determine what your self-identity is.
One's self identity is an idea that is unique and different for each person, as they experience the world and life their identity will change and help redefine who they are as a person. The challenges people face in life put them up to situations so they can figure out for themselves what their true self-identity is and who they are as a person.

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